Private account

When you book your first trip with us via our app or website, you can enter your email address and phone number, you will then receive a confirmation code sent to your phone and when you have entered it with us, you have an account with us. As a private customer of Taxi Göteborg, you get access to offers via the app, website and newsletters.

To take part in competitions and offers, you can also follow us via social media.

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En ikon av en mobiltelefon med ett check-märke på skärmen

Collect receipts

Get full control of all your trips. When you log in to your account, you get an easy overview of all your receipts.

En ikon av en glödlampa med två små blad som växer inuti och strålar som kommer från lampan

Sustainable choice

Most of our cars are powered by fossil-free fuel. We work on the basis of "Säker Grön Taxi" for the environment, quality and traffic safety.

Smooth taxi booking
in our new app

Start by downloading the app to your phone in Google Play or App Store.